first day at school

It might be nice for a start, to reflect back on the first day you went to school. And all the days after that you spent there. Learning the alphabet, counting to 20 at first, writing and grammar, then further on, the Roman era, all the rivers in Europe, why water boils and freezes, an endless list of things ...

This post is about my femme-de-menage, Denise. Someone who gets up at five o'clock, prepares a meal for her son Frederique and the rest of the family (mother, sister and her husband and their 4 kids). Then, at 8 o'clock, arrives at the villa to clean here, do the washing up, and leaves back here around 12. Goes back to her own place and continues work there. But happy that she has a job. Yet at the age of 25, she never had that first day at school. Never had the opportunity to learn how to read and write. Imagine how the world looks like ...

So in the time I've been here, I've had some reflexions on how to change that, which resulted last monday in going to a school nearby where she lives for a discussion on how education for adults works here.

And we've set a date. The first of august she'll start summer class, an intensive preparation course of a month. After that, she starts the normal school year in october with classes between 18h and 20h, specially for adults.

She's looking forward to her first day at school. 


  1. Brilliant Kris!

  2. i got goosebumps! that's awesome!

  3. Wie één mens redt, redt de hele wereld! Veel respect voor de wijsheid en oprechtheid waarmee je leeft. Goed bezig Kris!


  4. Prachtig, goed gedaan Kris
